
CircuitPython helper library for displaying a slideshow of images on a display.

  • Author(s): Kattni Rembor, Carter Nelson, Roy Hooper, Melissa LeBlanc-Williams

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_slideshow.HorizontalAlignment

Defines possible horizontal alignment orders.

class adafruit_slideshow.PlayBackDirection

Defines possible slideshow playback directions.


The next image is before the current image. When alphabetically sorted, this is towards A.


The next image is after the current image. When alphabetically sorted, this is towards Z.

class adafruit_slideshow.PlayBackOrder

Defines possible slideshow playback orders.


Orders by alphabetical sort of filenames


Randomly shuffles the images

class adafruit_slideshow.SlideShow(display, backlight_pwm=None, *, folder='/', order=0, loop=True, dwell=3, fade_effect=True, auto_advance=True, direction=1, h_align=1, v_align=1)

Class for displaying a slideshow of .bmp images on displays.

  • folder (str) – Specify the folder containing the image files, in quotes. Default is the root directory, "/".
  • order (PlayBackOrder) – The order in which the images display. You can choose random (RANDOM) or alphabetical (ALPHABETICAL). Default is ALPHABETICAL.
  • loop (bool) – Specify whether to loop the images or play through the list once. True if slideshow will continue to loop, False if it will play only once. Default is True.
  • dwell (int) – The number of seconds each image displays, in seconds. Default is 3.
  • fade_effect (bool) – Specify whether to include the fade effect between images. True tells the code to fade the backlight up and down between image display transitions. False maintains max brightness on the backlight between image transitions. Default is True.
  • auto_advance (bool) – Specify whether to automatically advance after dwell seconds. True if slideshow should auto play, False if you want to control advancement manually. Default is True.
  • direction (PlayBackDirection) – The playback direction.
  • h_align (HorizonalAlignment) – The Horizontal alignment of smaller/larger images
  • v_align (VerticalAlignment) – The Vertical alignment of smaller/larger images

Example code for Hallowing Express. With this example, the slideshow will play through once in alphabetical order:

from adafruit_slideshow import PlayBackOrder, SlideShow
import board
import pwmio

slideshow = SlideShow(board.DISPLAY, pwmio.PWMOut(board.TFT_BACKLIGHT), folder="/",
                      loop=False, order=PlayBackOrder.ALPHABETICAL)

while slideshow.update():

Example code for Hallowing Express. Sets dwell to 0 seconds, turns auto_advance off, and uses capacitive touch to advance backwards and forwards through the images and to control the brightness level of the backlight:

from adafruit_slideshow import PlayBackOrder, SlideShow, PlayBackDirection
import touchio
import board
import pwmio

forward_button = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH4)
back_button = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH1)

brightness_up = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH3)
brightness_down = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH2)

slideshow = SlideShow(board.DISPLAY, pwmio.PWMOut(board.TFT_BACKLIGHT), folder="/",
                      auto_advance=False, dwell=0)

while True:
    if forward_button.value:
        slideshow.direction = PlayBackDirection.FORWARD
    if back_button.value:
        slideshow.direction = PlayBackDirection.BACKWARD

    if brightness_up.value:
        slideshow.brightness += 0.001
    elif brightness_down.value:
        slideshow.brightness -= 0.001

Displays the next image. Returns True when a new image was displayed, False otherwise.

auto_advance = None

Enable auto-advance based on dwell time. Set to False to manually control.


Brightness of the backlight when an image is displaying. Clamps to 0 to 1.0


Returns the current image name.

direction = None

Specify the playback direction. Default is PlayBackDirection.FORWARD. Can also be PlayBackDirection.BACKWARD.

dwell = None

The number of seconds each slide displays, in seconds.

fade_effect = None

Whether to include the fade effect between slides. True tells the code to fade the backlight up and down between slide display transitions. False maintains max brightness on the backlight between slide transitions.


Get or Set the Horizontal Alignment

loop = None

Specifies whether to loop through the slides continuously or play through the list once. True will continue to loop, False will play only once.


The order in which the images display. You can choose random (RANDOM) or alphabetical (ALPHA).


Updates the slideshow to the next image.


Get or Set the Vertical Alignment

class adafruit_slideshow.VerticalAlignment

Defines possible vertical alignment orders.