Source code for adafruit_seesaw.samd09

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Dean Miller for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name,too-many-public-methods,too-few-public-methods

`adafruit_seesaw.samd09` - Pin definition for Adafruit SAMD09 Breakout with seesaw

    from micropython import const
except ImportError:

    def const(x):
        return x

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

_ADC_INPUT_0_PIN = const(0x02)
_ADC_INPUT_1_PIN = const(0x03)
_ADC_INPUT_2_PIN = const(0x04)
_ADC_INPUT_3_PIN = const(0x05)

_PWM_0_PIN = const(0x04)
_PWM_1_PIN = const(0x05)
_PWM_2_PIN = const(0x06)
_PWM_3_PIN = const(0x07)

[docs]class SAMD09_Pinmap: """This class is automatically used by `adafruit_seesaw.seesaw.Seesaw` when a SAMD09 Breakout is detected. It is also a reference for the capabilities of each pin.""" #: The pins capable of analog output analog_pins = ( _ADC_INPUT_0_PIN, _ADC_INPUT_1_PIN, _ADC_INPUT_2_PIN, _ADC_INPUT_3_PIN, ) """The effective bit resolution of the PWM pins""" pwm_width = 8 """The pins capable of PWM output""" pwm_pins = (_PWM_0_PIN, _PWM_1_PIN, _PWM_2_PIN, _PWM_3_PIN) """No pins on this board are capable of touch input""" touch_pins = ()