Source code for adafruit_seesaw.robohat

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 wallarug Robotics Masters
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name,too-many-public-methods,too-few-public-methods

`adafruit_seesaw.robohat` - Pin definition for RoboHAT

    from micropython import const
except ImportError:

    def const(x):
        return x

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

# Robo HAT MM1 Board:

# The ordering here reflects the seesaw firmware (mm1_hat) pinmap for Robo HAT MM1,
# not logical ordering of the HAT terminals.

_MM1_D0 = const(55)  # (RX to RPI_TX)
_MM1_D1 = const(54)  # (TX to RPI_RX)
_MM1_D2 = const(34)  # ADC (GPS_TX)
_MM1_D3 = const(35)  # ADC (GPS_RX)
_MM1_D4 = const(0)  # (GPS_SDA)
_MM1_D5 = const(1)  # (GPS_SCL)
_MM1_D6 = const(28)  # (POWER_ENABLE)
_MM1_D7 = const(2)  # (BATTERY)
_MM1_D8 = const(20)  # (NEOPIXEL)
_MM1_D9 = const(43)  # PWM (SPI_SCK)
_MM1_D10 = const(41)  # PWM (SPI_SS)
_MM1_D11 = const(42)  # PWM (SPI_MOSI)
_MM1_D12 = const(40)  # PWM (SPI_MISO)
_MM1_D13 = const(21)  # LED
_MM1_D14 = const(3)  # (POWER_OFF)

_MM1_SERVO8 = const(8)
_MM1_SERVO7 = const(9)
_MM1_SERVO6 = const(10)
_MM1_SERVO5 = const(11)
_MM1_SERVO4 = const(19)
_MM1_SERVO3 = const(18)
_MM1_SERVO2 = const(17)
_MM1_SERVO1 = const(16)

_MM1_RCH1 = const(7)
_MM1_RCH2 = const(6)
_MM1_RCH3 = const(5)
_MM1_RCH4 = const(4)

# seesaw firmware has indexed lists of pins by function.
# These "pin" numbers map to real PAxx, PBxx pins on the board implementing seesaaw
# They may or may not match.
# See seesaw/include/SeesawConfig.h and seesaw/boards/robohatmm1/board_config.h for the pin choices.

# You must look at both files and combine the defaults in SeesawConfig.h with the
# overrides in robohatmm1/board_config.h.
# PA<nn> pins are nn
# PB<nn> pins are 32+nn

[docs]class MM1_Pinmap: """This class is automatically used by `adafruit_seesaw.seesaw.Seesaw` when a RoboHAT board is detected. It is also a reference for the capabilities of each pin.""" # seesaw firmware (mm1_hat) analog pin map: # analog[0]:47 analog[1]:48 analog[2]: analog[3]: # analog[4]: analog[5]: analog[6]: analog[7]: # #: The pins capable of analog output analog_pins = (_MM1_D3, _MM1_D2) #: The effective bit resolution of the PWM pins pwm_width = 16 # seesaw firmware (mm1_hat) pwm pin map: # pwm[0]:16 pwm[1]:17 pwm[2]:18 pwm[3]:19 pwm[4]:11 pwm[5]:10 # pwm[6]:9 pwm[7]:8 pwm[8]:40 pwm[9]:41 pwm[10]:42 pwm[11]:43 # #: The pins capable of PWM output pwm_pins = ( _MM1_SERVO1, _MM1_SERVO2, _MM1_SERVO3, _MM1_SERVO4, _MM1_SERVO5, _MM1_SERVO6, _MM1_SERVO7, _MM1_SERVO8, _MM1_D12, _MM1_D10, _MM1_D11, _MM1_D9, ) # seesaw firmware touch pin map: # touch[0]: 7 touch[1]: 6 touch[2]: 5 touch[3]: 4 #: The pins capable of touch input touch_pins = (_MM1_RCH1, _MM1_RCH2, _MM1_RCH3, _MM1_RCH4)