
Provide an interface to the Slamtech RPLidar that works in plain Python3 as well as CircuitPython/Blinka.

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

The Current Version does NOT support CircuitPython. Future versions will.

class adafruit_rplidar.ExpressPacket

Class representing a Express type Packet

classmethod from_string(data)

Decode and Instantiate the class from a string packet

class adafruit_rplidar.RPLidar(motor_pin, port, baudrate=115200, timeout=1, logging=False)

Class for communicating with RPLidar rangefinder scanners

baudrate = 115200

Baudrate for serial port


Clears input buffer by reading all available data


Connects to the serial port named by the port instance var. If it was connected to another serial port disconnects from it first.


Disconnects from the serial port


Get device health state. When the core system detects some potential risk that may cause hardware failure in the future, the returned status value will be ‘Warning’. But sensor can still work as normal. When sensor is in the Protection Stop state, the returned status value will be ‘Error’. In case of warning or error statuses non-zero error code will be returned.


status : str
‘Good’, ‘Warning’ or ‘Error’ statuses
error_code : int
The related error code that caused a warning/error.

Get device information


Dictionary with the sensor information
iter_measurements(max_buf_meas=500, scan_type=0)

Iterate over measurements. Note that consumer must be fast enough, otherwise data will be accumulated inside buffer and consumer will get data with increasing lag.


max_buf_meas : int
Maximum number of measurements to be stored inside the buffer. Once number exceeds this limit buffer will be emptied out.


new_scan : bool
True if measurement belongs to a new scan
quality : int
Reflected laser pulse strength
angle : float
The measurement heading angle in degree unit [0, 360)
distance : float
Measured object distance related to the sensor’s rotation center. In millimeter unit. Set to 0 when measurement is invalid.

For compatibility, this method wraps iter_measurements

iter_scans(max_buf_meas=500, min_len=5)

Iterate over scans. Note that consumer must be fast enough, otherwise data will be accumulated inside buffer and consumer will get data with increasing lag.


max_buf_meas : int
Maximum number of measurements to be stored inside the buffer. Once number exceeds this limit buffer will be emptied out.
min_len : int
Minimum number of measurements in the scan for it to be yielded.


scan : list
List of the measurements. Each measurement is tuple with following format: (quality, angle, distance). For values description please refer to iter_measurements method’s documentation.
log(level, msg)

Output the level and a message if logging is enabled.

log_bytes(level, msg, ba)

Log and output a byte array in a readable way.

motor = False

Is motor running?

motor_pin = None

DigitalInOut instance controlling the motor

port = None

Serial port name, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0


Resets sensor core, reverting it to a similar state as it has just been powered up.


Set the motor PWM


Start the scanning process Parameters ———- scan : normal, force or express.


Starts sensor motor


Stops scanning process, disables laser diode and the measurement system, moves sensor to the idle state.


Stops sensor motor

timeout = 1

Serial port timeout

exception adafruit_rplidar.RPLidarException

Basic exception class for RPLidar

class adafruit_rplidar.express_packet(distance, angle, new_scan, start_angle)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3