Source code for adafruit_irremote

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Scott Shawcroft for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Demo code for Circuit Playground Express:

.. code-block:: python

    # Circuit Playground Express Demo Code
    # Adjust the pulseio 'board.PIN' if using something else
    import pulseio
    import board
    import adafruit_irremote

    pulsein = pulseio.PulseIn(board.REMOTEIN, maxlen=120, idle_state=True)
    decoder = adafruit_irremote.GenericDecode()

    while True:
        pulses = decoder.read_pulses(pulsein)
        print("Heard", len(pulses), "Pulses:", pulses)
            code = decoder.decode_bits(pulses)
            print("Decoded:", code)
        except adafruit_irremote.IRNECRepeatException:  # unusual short code!
            print("NEC repeat!")
        except adafruit_irremote.IRDecodeException as e:     # failed to decode
            print("Failed to decode: ", e.args)


* Author(s): Scott Shawcroft

Implementation Notes


* `CircuitPlayground Express <>`_

* `IR Receiver Sensor <>`_

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards:

import array
from collections import namedtuple
import time

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

[docs]class IRDecodeException(Exception): """Generic decode exception"""
[docs]class IRNECRepeatException(Exception): """Exception when a NEC repeat is decoded"""
[docs]def bin_data(pulses): """Compute bins of pulse lengths where pulses are +-25% of the average. :param list pulses: Input pulse lengths """ bins = [[pulses[0], 0]] for _, pulse in enumerate(pulses): matchedbin = False # print(pulse, end=": ") for b, pulse_bin in enumerate(bins): if pulse_bin[0] * 0.75 <= pulse <= pulse_bin[0] * 1.25: # print("matches bin") bins[b][0] = (pulse_bin[0] + pulse) // 2 # avg em bins[b][1] += 1 # track it matchedbin = True break if not matchedbin: bins.append([pulse, 1]) # print(bins) return bins
[docs]def decode_bits(pulses): """Decode the pulses into bits.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements # TODO The name pulses is redefined several times below, so we'll stash the # original in a separate variable for now. It might be worth refactoring to # avoid redefining pulses, for the sake of readability. input_pulses = tuple(pulses) pulses = list(pulses) # Copy to avoid mutating input. # special exception for NEC repeat code! if ( (len(pulses) == 3) and (8000 <= pulses[0] <= 10000) and (2000 <= pulses[1] <= 3000) and (450 <= pulses[2] <= 700) ): return NECRepeatIRMessage(input_pulses) if len(pulses) < 10: msg = UnparseableIRMessage(input_pulses, reason="Too short") raise FailedToDecode(msg) # Ignore any header (evens start at 1), and any trailer. if len(pulses) % 2 == 0: pulses_end = -1 else: pulses_end = None evens = pulses[1:pulses_end:2] odds = pulses[2:pulses_end:2] # bin both halves even_bins = bin_data(evens) odd_bins = bin_data(odds) outliers = [b[0] for b in (even_bins + odd_bins) if b[1] == 1] even_bins = [b for b in even_bins if b[1] > 1] odd_bins = [b for b in odd_bins if b[1] > 1] if not even_bins or not odd_bins: msg = UnparseableIRMessage(input_pulses, reason="Not enough data") raise FailedToDecode(msg) if len(even_bins) == 1: pulses = odds pulse_bins = odd_bins elif len(odd_bins) == 1: pulses = evens pulse_bins = even_bins else: msg = UnparseableIRMessage(input_pulses, reason="Both even/odd pulses differ") raise FailedToDecode(msg) if len(pulse_bins) == 1: msg = UnparseableIRMessage(input_pulses, reason="Pulses do not differ") raise FailedToDecode(msg) if len(pulse_bins) > 2: msg = UnparseableIRMessage(input_pulses, reason="Only mark & space handled") raise FailedToDecode(msg) mark = min(pulse_bins[0][0], pulse_bins[1][0]) space = max(pulse_bins[0][0], pulse_bins[1][0]) if outliers: # skip outliers pulses = [ p for p in pulses if not (outliers[0] * 0.75) <= p <= (outliers[0] * 1.25) ] # convert marks/spaces to 0 and 1 for i, pulse_length in enumerate(pulses): if (space * 0.75) <= pulse_length <= (space * 1.25): pulses[i] = False elif (mark * 0.75) <= pulse_length <= (mark * 1.25): pulses[i] = True else: msg = UnparseableIRMessage(input_pulses, reason="Pulses outside mark/space") raise FailedToDecode(msg) # convert bits to bytes! output = [0] * ((len(pulses) + 7) // 8) for i, pulse_length in enumerate(pulses): output[i // 8] = output[i // 8] << 1 if pulse_length: output[i // 8] |= 1 return IRMessage(tuple(input_pulses), code=tuple(output))
IRMessage = namedtuple("IRMessage", ("pulses", "code")) "Pulses and the code they were parsed into" UnparseableIRMessage = namedtuple("IRMessage", ("pulses", "reason")) "Pulses and the reason that they could not be parsed into a code" NECRepeatIRMessage = namedtuple("NECRepeatIRMessage", ("pulses",)) "Pulses interpreted as an NEC repeat code"
[docs]class FailedToDecode(Exception): "Raised by decode_bits. Error argument is UnparseableIRMessage"
[docs]class NonblockingGenericDecode: """ Decode pulses into bytes in a non-blocking fashion. :param ~pulseio.PulseIn input_pulses: Object to read pulses from :param int max_pulse: Pulse duration to end a burst. Units are microseconds. >>> pulses = PulseIn(...) >>> decoder = NonblockingGenericDecoder(pulses) >>> for message in ... if isinstace(message, IRMessage): ... message.code # TA-DA! Do something with this in your application. ... else: ... # message is either NECRepeatIRMessage or ... # UnparseableIRMessage. You may decide to ignore it, raise ... # an error, or log the issue to a file. If you raise or log, ... # it may be helpful to include message.pulses in the error message. ... ... """ def __init__(self, pulses, max_pulse=10_000): self.pulses = pulses # PulseIn self.max_pulse = max_pulse self._unparsed_pulses = [] # internal buffer of partial messages
[docs] def read(self): """ Consume all pulses from PulseIn. Yield decoded messages, if any. If a partial message is received, this does not block to wait for the rest. It stashes the partial message, to be continued the next time it is called. """ # Consume from PulseIn. while self.pulses: pulse = self.pulses.popleft() self._unparsed_pulses.append(pulse) if pulse > self.max_pulse: # End of message! Decode it and yield a BaseIRMessage. try: yield decode_bits(self._unparsed_pulses) except FailedToDecode as err: # If you want to debug failed decodes, this would be a good # place to print/log or (re-)raise. (unparseable_message,) = err.args yield unparseable_message self._unparsed_pulses.clear()
# TODO Do we need to consume and throw away more pulses here? # I'm unclear about the role that "pruning" plays in the # original implementation in GenericDecode._read_pulses_non_blocking. # When we reach here, we have consumed everything from PulseIn. # If there are some pulses in self._unparsed_pulses, they represent # partial messages. We'll finish them next time read() is called.
[docs]class GenericDecode: """Generic decoding of infrared signals""" # Note: pylint's complaint about the following three methods (no self-use) # is absolutely correct, which is why the code was refactored, but we need # this here for back-compat, hence we disable pylint for that specific # complaint.
[docs] def bin_data(self, pulses): # pylint: disable=no-self-use "Wraps the top-level function bin_data for backward-compatibility." return bin_data(pulses)
[docs] def decode_bits(self, pulses): # pylint: disable=no-self-use "Wraps the top-level function decode_bits for backward-compatibility." result = decode_bits(pulses) if isinstance(result, NECRepeatIRMessage): raise IRNECRepeatException() if isinstance(result, UnparseableIRMessage): raise IRDecodeException("10 pulses minimum")
def _read_pulses_non_blocking( self, input_pulses, max_pulse=10000, pulse_window=0.10 ): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Read out a burst of pulses without blocking until pulses stop for a specified period (pulse_window), pruning pulses after a pulse longer than ``max_pulse``. :param ~pulseio.PulseIn input_pulses: Object to read pulses from :param int max_pulse: Pulse duration to end a burst :param float pulse_window: pulses are collected for this period of time """ # Note: pylint's complaint (no self-use) is absolutely correct, which # is why the code was refactored, but we need this here for # back-compat, hence we disable pylint. received = None recent_count = 0 pruning = False while True: while input_pulses: pulse = input_pulses.popleft() recent_count += 1 if pulse > max_pulse: if received is None: continue pruning = True if not pruning: if received is None: received = [] received.append(pulse) if recent_count == 0: return received recent_count = 0 time.sleep(pulse_window)
[docs] def read_pulses( self, input_pulses, *, max_pulse=10000, blocking=True, pulse_window=0.10, blocking_delay=0.10, ): """Read out a burst of pulses until pulses stop for a specified period (pulse_window), pruning pulses after a pulse longer than ``max_pulse``. :param ~pulseio.PulseIn input_pulses: Object to read pulses from :param int max_pulse: Pulse duration to end a burst :param bool blocking: If True, will block until pulses found. If False, will return None if no pulses. Defaults to True for backwards compatibility :param float pulse_window: pulses are collected for this period of time :param float blocking_delay: delay between pulse checks when blocking """ while True: pulses = self._read_pulses_non_blocking( input_pulses, max_pulse, pulse_window ) if blocking and pulses is None: time.sleep(blocking_delay) continue return pulses
[docs]class GenericTransmit: """Generic infrared transmit class that handles encoding. :param int header: The length of header in microseconds :param int one: The length of a one in microseconds :param int zero: The length of a zero in microseconds :param int trail: The length of the trail in microseconds, set to None to disable :param bool debug: Enable debug output, default False """ def __init__(self, header, one, zero, trail, *, debug=False): self.header = header = one = zero self.trail = trail self.debug = debug
[docs] def transmit(self, pulseout, data, *, repeat=0, delay=0, nbits=None): """Transmit the ``data`` using the ``pulseout``. :param pulseio.PulseOut pulseout: PulseOut to transmit on :param bytearray data: Data to transmit :param int repeat: Number of additional retransmissions of the data, default 0 :param float delay: Delay between any retransmissions, default 0 :param int nbits: Optional number of bits to send, useful to send fewer bits than in the data bytes """ bits_to_send = len(data) * 8 if nbits is not None and nbits < bits_to_send: bits_to_send = nbits durations = array.array( "H", [0] * (2 + bits_to_send * 2 + (0 if self.trail is None else 1)) ) durations[0] = self.header[0] durations[1] = self.header[1] if self.trail is not None: durations[-1] = self.trail out = 2 bit_count = 0 for byte_index, _ in enumerate(data): for i in range(7, -1, -1): if (data[byte_index] & 1 << i) > 0: durations[out] =[0] durations[out + 1] =[1] else: durations[out] =[0] durations[out + 1] =[1] out += 2 bit_count += 1 if bit_count >= bits_to_send: break if self.debug: print(durations) pulseout.send(durations) for _ in range(repeat): if delay: time.sleep(delay) pulseout.send(durations)